Hyundai New Zealand Ambassadors

We're proud to be backing these Kiwis.

Meet our ambassadors

Where would we be without our people?

Our Hyundai NZ brand ambassadors perfectly reflect our values. These are the Kiwis who inspire the nation, and we’re proud to be the Kiwis backing them.

Hayden Paddon

Hayden is the legendary flying Kiwi, taking home numerous national and international rally titles. Hayden has been working with us since 2014, and in 2020 we helped him and his team of engineers develop the world’s first 400+ kW Kona EV rally car. 

Meet Hayden

Eliza McCartney

Eliza McCartney is an Olympic pole vaulter and Kiwi record holder - and our Electric Vehicle ambassador. With her passion for sustainability, she’s the perfect spokesperson for our 100% electric vehicles.

Meet Eliza

Al Brown

Al Brown is the Hyundai ambassador showing the country - and world - the wonders of Kiwi cuisine. Through his work as a chef, TV presenter and writer, he’s promoting local food and the great outdoors. And did we mention he’s a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit.

Meet Al